Sunday, May 8, 2011

The Detective 2

Saturday night is not a good night to catch movie especially at GSC 1 Utama. First there was thsi superb long queue, second most of the blockbuster movie sold out even if it is a past midnight show, third you have limited choice when it comes to seating optiong.

Anyway like its previous title (C+ Detective), this sequel (B+ Detective) is a Hong Kong based movie set in Thailand. Majority of its spoken language and it felt awkward when spoken in a land where others speak likewise.
Anyhow the main attraction here is still Aaron Kwok who play the role of a detective investigating and solving murder cases.
This is one of the few movies where you might wanna catch the previous title before watching it, otherwise you might find few missing puzzle throughout the show.
The Detective 2 seems to be more of a 'mind playing' type of movie, where scene are skip and leaving a room for the audience imaginary. Case solving wise, wouldn't rate it B+, not even a C+ if you ask me.

Rate: 2/5

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