Likewise this entry would be me planning a birthday celebration for a blogger I get to know through blog-walking, Ken Wooi. While some party / celebration could go from as wild as girl jumping out from a cake
to romantic birthday
and bla bla bla.. Whatever scale the celebration is, the surprise always come from the heart of a sincere person.. So I'm not going to crap by saying the best way to celebrate with Ken Wooi is to bring him to those ONS spot and treat feed him to them (even if he wants to =P) and etc., I will try to be realistic as possible..
Is gonna be a long post, so take a deep breathe and here we go.. Since we are both dude, so there wouldn't be any surprises, sorry pal, try not to look and sound gay.. Muahahahaha
First programme of the day: Cycling @ Bukit Cahaya
We could go cycling and/or skytrex depending on the birthday boy
Who know we might end up taking photograph only? But still it is good to breathe the freshest air early in the morning
Next programme: Brunch @ Old Town
Not the Old Town Kopitiam by the way.. But instead somewhere nearby MPPJ building.. There's a stall that serve awesome porridge and it is a signature dish where you don't claim that you've been to Old Town until you try it out
After noon programme: Leisure @ The Curve
Why The Curve? Cause there are 4 shopping mall all linked together and there's a food heaven on the street and not to mention there's a cinema nearby..
After a long and tiring journey it would be best to pamper Ken Wooi with Platinum Class movie, inception seems to be a good choice
It would then be a great time for us to mingle around while waiting for the show to start. Here's a sneak peak inside the platinum hall
After movie programme: Dinner @ Bubba Gump
I don't know if Ken Wooi know this but birthday boy have to stand on a chair while the staff present the birthday cake..
Guess there's a surprise after all :p
Too bad there's no porn in my planning / programme for Ken Wooi, but after eating so many shrimp you will eventually get prawny.. Lol
Final Programme: Suprise @ Anywhere
Before we
I'm bad when it comes to buying a birthday present and it would be better if I DIY something.. Thus it might not look nice as those you get from store, it really took me quite a few days to figure it out..
That's all I could think off.. Hope Ken would not bored to death..
And why am I so nice planning a birthday celebration for Ken Wooi? I'm not that nice actually, buahahahahaha.. Ken Wooi is running a contest in his blog and you can find out more here -
**P/S: Through out the whole programme Ken and I are allow to bring our partner so that we don't get misunderstood by others :p I don't want to be held responsible when Ken Wooi couldn't get laid on that special night.. Lol..
Happy Birthday to you Ken Wooi.. Age is just a number that indicate how experience you are, exactly just like what you see in gaming world..