Friday, July 16, 2010

Unwraping my prizes

In my earlier post I'm also clueless like you guys cause I honestly didn't unwrap those packages until last night after I reached the number of targeted comment.. Would like to thank you guys first.
Now let's get serious shall we? Oh but before that I seriously thought it was an AV Home Theater System as I remember I saw it stated under the contest page, but surprise surprise ^^ So let's just unwrap one by one..

First let's just open up this package.. *Shake shake*
Oh a photo frame :)
Now's your turn Mr Long
Wow a tripod :D
What's next? Hmm.. this look kinda light.. Ok you next
A canon bag o.0
Okay final one.. Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
Yes it is it is!!! XD
Don't laugh at me =( I know it is entry level but it is also my first such of its kind camera.. Time to take up some lesson.. Here's what is included in the box..
Sorry for the blurry photo as I was too surprise and excited at the same time..
Here's a family photo
Thank you guys! Shall post up some other stuff in separate post.. Until then have a nice weekend..


Anonymous said...

Look at all these stuff.

It's like early Christmas..
Enjoy man.. :)

Jeremy said...

thats so cool....lucky man
Enjoy the prizes....

hope to see more pictures especially new cinemas/movies/ur premiere events to be uploaded..

Ken Wooi said...

wah all camera-related stuff!
so awesome, how i wished i got these as my birthday gift.. haha..

i own a 1000D as well =)

Fallen Angel said...

@Chyan yea indeed early xmas here.. need to take up some lesson.. Me cam noob

@Jeremy besides luck there's effort too.. but it paid off well.. thank ya..

@ken woot o.0 hinting me pula.. wait for my bday plan for you =) if there's anyone else who's more qualify to teach and to guide me, it would be you Guru Ken

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