Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Facebook Suicide Alert

It has been brought to worldwide attention that "committing suicide via Facebook" is becoming not just trend among those who feel like ending their precious life but also it became a concern among others.
On one moment, sharing your activity with others seem to be fun and interesting. People will eventually drool over your meal, envy on your vacation, or even feel touch by your love story. But when people started to abuse such beautify feature, it would turn out to be a nightmare, not just to your friend but everyone else around the world.
By nightmare I do mean sharing stuff like animal abuse/torture, the process of ending your life, and etc. Can you imagine what a sick society we've evolved into? Thus with the rising concern over such issue, Facebook is launching suicide risk alert system where it allow user to report any attempt / contemplating suicide.

Hopefully with that, it would aid in detecting and reducing the number of suicide.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi. its a great post, and it is enlightening. i would like to use one of your photo (the white background coloured pills one) for my project. i will refer this picture back to you. can i use it?

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