I have quite a number of extra ticket but no one want to watch with me, maybe nobody know much of the movie, or maybe I stink.. Well anyhow I somehow enjoy the movie even though I have to watch alone (not the first time though)..
The movie staring 2 friends cum business partner named Dan (staring Grammy Award winner Robin Williams) and Charlie (staring John Travolta) who have everything well manage until Dan meet back with his wife and found out that he have not 1 but 2 kids aged 7yo..
Catch the movie to see how Dan and Charlie catch up with their mega project which required alot of their effort while those effort diverted into the twin children.
See what happen when Dan choose profession over family, and how Dan twist and turn back to the way he always afraid to face but wanted to own..
It is always good not to watch too much from the trailer as nowadays MOST of these trailer contain spoiler, not just ordinary spoiler but 60-80% important element was shown over and over again where you have already get bored by the time you watch the actual show..
Quite a nice comedy movie before we say goodbye to 2009 and I think it is worth while spending your penny and time to catch this..
4/5 baby..
*I've not bee updating much lately, but will re-blog once time permit.. Keep an eye for tons of updates and prizessssssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey thank!! Would you like to exchange link?
never call me to watch with you! I want to watch any movie that are free but must at least over 2.5/5 of my expectation
Jimmy: next time maybe cause last minute those who are in the pending list ffk me.. lol.. but gosh I should have watch did you heard about the morgan instead as I might be getting free tix to old dog again this coming Monday..
Oh ya how do you know it will be 2.5 or more if you have not watch it yet?
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